"Bark 'n' Scratch" Newsletter
Published by
Christopher S. Aust, Master Trainer
For a quick search of any issue, just open and use Ctrl+F

February 10, 2006
- Pet Food Recall
- Equipment Utilization
- The Best (Actual) Headlines for 2005
January 27, 2006
- Buster is Alive and Well
- Command Structure
- New Rules for 2006
December 16, 2005
- What is Socialization?
- Breed of the Week - Dachshund
- Transportation Board Accident Survey
December 9, 2005
- Chewing Up the House
- Product Labelss
December 2, 2005
- Buster the ... Drug Dealers Dog? Part 2
November 25, 2005
- Buster the ... Drug Dealers Dog? - Part 1
- You Know You are Living in 2005 When ...
November 11, 2005
- Common Mistakes
- Breed of the Week - Jack Russell Terrier
- Actual Business Signs
November 4, 2005
- Letting Go
- Breed of the Week - Neapolitan Mastiff
- Turn About is Fair Play
October 28, 2005
- Selecting a Trainer
- A Night on the Town
October 21, 2005
- Canine Anxiety
- Five Lessons to Make Us Think About the Way We Treat People
October 14, 2005
- Winterizing Your Dog
- Will a Second Dog Help?
- The Pond
October 7, 2005
- It's Not About Convenience
- The Blonde: A Year in Review
September 30, 2005
- The Fleecing of Disaster Animals
- 15 Things to do at Wal-Mart
September 23, 2005
- New Dog in the Home
- Train Etiquette
September 16, 2005
- Relocating a Disaster Dog
- The Italian Tomato Garden
September 9, 2005
- Disaster Preparedness for Pets
- Only in America ...
August 19, 2005
- Dog Insurgents
- Essential Oils and MRSA
- Things to Remember as a Dog
August 5, 2005
- How to Give Your Dog Medication
- Myths of Spay/Neuter
- If Miss America Pageant Judges were Dogs ...
July 22, 2005
- Doggie Love
- Mail Bag
- If the President Were a Dog ...
July 8, 2005
- Dog Park Safety
- Essential Oils and Our Pets
- Who Gets the Dog?
June 24, 2005
- Dogs on Vacation
- Breed Banning Effectiveness
- Top 10 Dog Peeves About Humans
June 10, 2005
- Negligent Officers vs. Irresponsible Owners
- Mail Bag
- It Makes You Wonder ...
May 27, 2005
- Augie's Doggies
- Mail Bag
- Different Worlds
May 20, 2005
- Tea Leaves and Crystal Balls
- Mail Bag
- The Cowboy and the Yuppie
May 6, 2005
- My Baby's a Bully! Part 3
- Mail Bag
- A Day in the Life of Our Pets
April 29, 2005
- My Baby's a Bully! Part 2
- Mail Bag
- Useless Factoids
April 22, 2005
- My Baby's a Bully! Part 1
- Mail Bag
- Cowboys and Indians
April 15, 2005
- Where'd HE Come From !?
- Mail Bag
- Advice for the All Knowing Teen
April 8, 2005
- When a Rescue Isn't a Rescue
- Breed of the Week - Greyhound
- What Do You See?
April 1, 2005
- Vacationing with Fido
- You Know You're From a Small Town if ...
March 4, 2005
- Vaccinations: Yes Or No?
- Kids' Advice to Kids
February 19, 2005
- New Weekly Teleclasses
- Deaf Dog Training
- You Know You're in California If ...
February 11, 2005
- Definition of an Activist
- Raising a New Litter
- Lakota Native Legend
February 4, 2005
- Dog Legislation
- Working on the Chain Gang
- Blonde Entrepreneur
January 21, 2005
- Cooked Food Diet, Part 2
- Hands on Healing
- A Helping Hand
January 14, 2005
- Cooked Food Diet
- Things QUITE Difficult to Say When You are Drunk
January 7, 2005
- Noni Juice: Quality Supplement or Snake Oil?
- Breed of the Week - Shiba Inu
- Mind Games Dogs Play With Their Humans
December 17, 2004
- Leashes, Collars and Check Chains, OH MY!
- Breed of the Week - Shih Tzu
- T'was the Night Before Christmas
December 10, 2004
- Green Eyed Monster
- Breed of the Week - Akita Inu
- Observant Job Applicants
December 3, 2004
- Life with the Chongqing Dog
- Breed of the Week - Alaskan Malamute
- Zen for Those Who Take Life too Seriously
November 26, 2004
- Dog Brokers
- Breed of the Week - Bouvier des Flanders
- The Pink Curtains
November 19, 2004
- Designer Dogs
- Breed of the Week - Pug
- Things We Learn From Our Mothers
November 12, 2004
- Bite Prevention, Part III
- A Valentine for Osama
- The Atheist and the Marine
November 5, 2004
- Bite Prevention, Part II
- Breed of the Week - Boston Terrier
- Dog at the Movies
October 29, 2004
- Bite Prevention, Part I
- Good to be You
- The Missing Ship
October 22, 2004
- Pinch Collars
- The Importance of a Healthy Immune System
- Top 10 Signs Your Dog is Spoiled
October 15, 2004
- The Hazards of Shipping Your Dog
- Mail Bag
- Mightiest Animal in the Jungle
October 8, 2004
- Canine Good Citizen
- Houdini on Four Legs
- American Football Analysis by a Blonde
October 1, 2004
- Stork on the Radar
- An Animal's Friend
- Useful Household Tips
September 24, 2004
- Training vs. Behavior Modification
- Winterize Your Dog
- Lipstick in School
September 17, 2004
- Does Temperament Testing Work?
- Woof & Co / Rufus, Inc.
- Idiots Among Us
September 10, 2004
- No Means No ... Or, Does It?
- Mail Bag
- The Way Kids See Things
September 3, 2004
- The Pooch that Mooches
- Hero Dog
- Washing the Dog
August 6, 2004
- Commitment
- Hero Dogs
- You Know You're in Texas in July When ...
July 2, 2004
- The Effects of Relocation
- Breed of the Week - Lhasa Apso
- The Cooperative Chick
June 25, 2004
- Target Aggression, Part 2
- Mail Bag
- Signs your Co-Worker is a Hacker
June 18, 2004
- Target Aggression
- Mail Bag
- Top 10 Reasons Your Dog's Haircut Costs More Than Yours
June 11, 2004
- A New Member to the Pack
- Mail Bag
- Doggie Dictionary and Guide
June 4, 2004
- Understanding Barking Behavior - Part 2
- Hero Dogs
- Top 20 Signs You are Having a Bad Day
May 28, 2004
- Understanding Barking Behavior - Part 1
- Hero Dogs
- The Genius of Corporate Marketing
May 21, 2004
- Boundary Training
- Breed of the Week - Papillon
- Top 10 Ways to Tell if Martha Stewart is Stalking Your Dog
May 14, 2004
- Taking Off
- Breed of the Week - Belgian Malinois
- Top 12 Things a Dog Would Say
May 7, 2004
- How Young is Too Young?
- Breed of the Week - Doberman Pinscher
- Justice for Spot
April 23, 2004
- Doggie Prozac?
- Breed of the Week - Shar Pei
- Top 15 Best Things to Say ...
April 16, 2004
- The Ignorance of Authority
- Breed of the Week - Shar Pei
- The Burial Plot
April 9, 2004
- Leaving Your Dog Alone
- Breed of the Week - Rat Terrier
- Going on Safari
April 2, 2004
- Bringing Home a Rescue
- Breed of the Week - Standard Poodle
- Excerpts From the Pet Diaries
March 26, 2004
- Preparing for Spring
- Breed of the Week - Maltese
- You are Being Watched!
March 19, 2004
- Competing ... is it Really a Good Idea?
- Hero Dogs: TWO of Them!
- BIG Help!
March 12, 2004
- The PETA Controversy
- Making a Difference
- Texas Chili
March 5, 2004
- Entering Your Dog in Competitions
- Stupid Criminals
- When Good Dogs Crossbreed
Feb. 20, 2004
- Canine Obesity
- Hero Dogs: Worf's Broken heart
- And God Created Pets
Feb. 13, 2004
- Breed Banning Effectiveness
- Hero Dog: Nicki the Lion Tamer
- As I've Matured ...
Feb. 6, 2004
- The Alpha Role in the Family Pack - Part 2
- Breed of the Week - Basset Hound
- The Vet Bill
Jan. 30, 2004
- The Alpha Role in the Family Pack - Part 1
- Breed of the Week - German Shepard
- A Dog's Life: Little Mysteries
- How Many Dogs Does It Take To Change a Light Bulb?
Jan. 23, 2004
- A Time to Say Goodbye
- Breed of the Week - Australian Cattle Dog
- Symptoms at the Vet's Office
Jan. 16, 2004
- Will a Second Dog Help?
- Breed of the Week - Boxer
- Ten Commandments for the Dog Owner
- Dogs in Business
Jan. 9, 2004
- What Makes a Trainer?
- Aromatherapy 101
- Genius Dog
Dec. 26, 2003
- Christmas Pups
- Holistic Grooming
- Hero Dog Story
- And, the Little Guy Wins
Dec. 19, 2003
- The Story of Bear - Sheltie
- The Handsome Prince
Dec. 12, 2003
- Spot Organics
- Breed of the Week - Rottweiler
- Dogs' Questions to God
Dec. 5, 2003
- Is It For You Or Your Dog?
- Breed of the Week - Vizsla
- Why Dogs are Better than Women
Nov. 28, 2003
- Chewing Up the House
- Breed of the Week - Keeshond
- Why Dogs are Better than Men
Nov. 21, 2003
- Dog Anxiety
- Breed of the Week - Pomeranian
- Why Suzie Can't Go For a Walk
Nov. 14, 2003
- To Snip, or Not to Snip?
- Breed of the Week - American Pit Bull Terrier
- The Dog That Snored
Nov. 7, 2003
- Group Classes vs. In-Home Training
- Breed of the Week - Siberian Husky
- Danger! Beware of Dog!
Oct. 31, 2003
- Dog Aggressive Behavior
- Breed of the Week - English Bulldog
- The Difference Between Dogs and Cats
Oct. 24, 2003
- To Lick, Or Not to Lick
- Breed of the Week - Border Collie
- Penny, the Hero Dog
Oct. 17, 2003
- How to Stop a Runner
- Breed of the Week - Miniature Schnauzer
- Talking Dog For Sale
Oct. 10, 2003
- Pulling on Leash
- Breed of the Week - Rhodesian Ridgeback
- Reply to My Human Master
Oct. 4, 2003
- Commitment to Your Best Friend
- Breed of the Week - Chongqing Dog of China
- Letter to a Dog
Legal Stuff
The BARK 'n' SCRATCH Newsletter is published by Christopher Aust
Copyright © 2003-2006 All rights reserved. No portion of this
publication may be reproduced or transmitted without the
express written consent of the publisher or contributors.
We accept no responsibility for your use of any contributed
information contained herein. All of the information presented
in BARK 'n' SCRATCH is published in good faith. Any comments
stated in this newsletter are strictly the opinion of the writer
or publisher.
We reserve the right to edit and make suitable for publication,
if necessary, any articles published in this newsletter. We
reserve the right to publish all reader comments, including the
name of the writer.
Christopher Aust, Master Dog Trainer & Creator:
The Natural Cooperative Training System (NCTS) for Dogs
The Instinctual Development System (IDS) for Puppies
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