![]() Christopher Aust, Master Trainer Master-Dog-Training.com
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Christopher's Drool
Today's issue has the first product review I'm doing in the newsletter. As I said a few weeks back, this is NOT paid advertising, and you will get my honest assessment of the product. I've been trying to figure out a general scale to use to grade the products, and I have come up with a 1 - 5 scale with five being the best and one being the worst. I also kind of figured the whole "thumbs up" and "star" system has been overdone so I am opting for the "puppy kiss" for good products and "doggie farts" for products I don't like. In other words, if I really like the product, it would get "1-5 puppy kisses." If I think it stinks, excuse the pun, it will get "1-5 doggie farts." Moving on ...
With this in mind, I've put a list in today's newsletter of foods and plants that can be toxic too your dog. I think you'll be surprised at the some of foods on the list.
Well, that's it for now. You all have a great week and keep the suggestions coming. I'm outta here. Cheers!
Dog Chewing the Sofa? Puppy Eating Your Shoes?
Spot Organics
When I read her literature and web site, I saw similar claims I felt were rather extraordinary so I decided to see just how effective they are and if they could live up to the claim. I will say though I didn't think they would cut the mustard.
I also got two of their shampoo products. The first is "Herbal Coat Care" and is a traditionally styled liquid shampoo. The other is a shampoo bar called "Gentle Chamomile." I have to admit I was a little skeptical of the shampoo bar as I wondered how easy it would be to apply to a dog thrashing around in the tub.
After the doggie doc's thumbs up, we awaited the arrival of our first trial participant. Eight dogs were used for each spray and three dogs were used to test each of the shampoos. Lets start with the sprays. Each of the dog owners were given a questionnaire to fill out and return to evaluate exactly how the dog responded to the sprays. They were also advised to look for coat deterioration, color loss and skin irritation.
The "Happy" spray was given to dogs that had undergone less than pleasant procedures or grooming. Again, we gave each dog two sprays on the chest/neck area of the dog immediately after finishing the procedure or grooming. All the dogs that used the spray, again, had a previous relationship with the vet.
One particular participant said it was the first time in eight years her dog had ever gotten off the floor of the back seat of the car and looked out the window. The vet was also impressed at the effectiveness of the spray stating that at least three of the dogs normally fight to get out of the office throughout the exam. The "Happy" spray produced the same results. All participants saw significant results in their dogs' moods. I was most impressed with the comments from two participants whose dogs were in their geriatric years and terminally ill. Both stated their dogs were more playful than they had been in some time, one saying, "You would have thought it was his birthday."
The liquid "Herbal Coat Care" has a light pleasant smell and did a wonderful job removing the dirt and oil from the coat. It did not produce a heavy lather, which I saw as a plus, as it rinsed out quickly, making the whole bathing process less of a pain. The liquid goes a long way as well. Three medium sized dogs were washed with a two-ounce sample bottle, and I still have about half an ounce left making it quite cost effective. The "Gentle Chamomile Shampoo Bar" did very well too. My concerns that it might be difficult to hold onto when wet were proven unfounded. It also removed the dirt and oil well and rinsed out splendidly. Its fragrance was a little stronger than the liquid shampoo but certainly not overpowering.
They give a 100% satisfaction refund guarantee so there's no reason to not give them a try. They have definitely become a permanent part of my doggie hygiene kit. Go check them out. SpotOrganics.com
RATING: 5 Puppy Kisses
The one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this
selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that
never proves ungrateful or treacherous, is his dog. A man's
dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty, in health and
in sickness. He will sleep on the cold ground, where the
wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely, if only he may
be near his master's side. He will kiss the hand that has no
food to offer, he will lick the wounds and sores that come in
encounters with the roughness of the world. He guards the
sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince. When all
other friends desert, he remains. When riches take wing and
reputation falls to pieces, he is constant in his love as the
sun in its journey through the heavens.
Rottweiler Rottweilers are believed to be descendents of the Italian Mastiff around the time of the Middle Ages and were used as herding dogs. Originating in the German town of Rottweil in Wurttemberg they were once nearly extinct. Thankfully, a few hundred years ago, the breed made a comeback as a result of efforts of a dog club in Stuttgart, Germany.
The Rottie is not a foo-foo dog. Weighing in between 80 and 135 ponds (36-62 kg.), they are from 23 – 28 inches (55 – 70 cm.) at the withers. They have an enormously broad head, prominent forehead and massive neck. Their muzzle is medium length and their teeth meet in a scissor bite. Their nose is black and their eyes are dark and seem to always have a look as though deep in thought. They have a short, dense coat whose primary coat color is black, with brown or reddish markings on the face, muzzle, legs and paws. There is also a red and brown version, which is the result a deficiency in the hair gene. Their tails are traditionally docked, but I kind of think it makes them look like the back end of a Volkswagon bug. The ears are triangular and set forward on the head.
The Rottweiler is a natural guard dog with a mellow temperament. They are highly intelligent and have proven their worth undeniably in police, military, and customs work over many years. They can be trusted with children they are brought up with, however, they should be monitored around children they don't know. They can also be dog aggressive, although early socialization can remedy that. While some will tell you a Rottie will do well in an apartment, this has not been my experience. They require plenty of exercise and room to roam around and explore. You are unlikely to overwork these dogs, as they are tireless when set to a task. They love to run, swim and generally romp. This is something to consider as they do have a tendency to become little fatties. Their life expectancy is 11-13 years.
What I've discovered is the American version seems to be smaller in size and a little mellower in temperament. This could be due to different breeding practices between the US and Germany. I've also been unable to find any recognized registry that classifies them in this way.
Have a breed you would like to see featured in the newsletter? Give me a holler and we'll get it featured as soon as possible. Plants and Foods Toxic to Dogs
B. Baneberry, Bayonet, Bear grass, Beech, Belladonna, Bird of Paradise, Bittersweet, Black-Eyed Susan, Black Locust, Bleeding Heart, Bloodroot, Bluebonnet, Box, Boxwood, Buckeyes, Burning bush, Buttercup C. Cactus Candelabra, Caladium, Castor Bean, Cherry (Pits of), Cherry (Most wild varieties), Cherry (ground), Cherry (Laurel), Chinaberry, Christmas Rose, Chrysanthemum, Clematis, Coriaria, Cornflower, Corydalis, Crocus Autumn, Crown of Thorns, Cyclamen. D. Daffodil Daphne, Daphne, Datura, Deadly Nightshade, Death Camas, Delphinium, Dicentrea, Diffenbachia, Dumb Cane E. Eggplant, Elderberry, Elephant Ear, English Ivy, Euonymus, Evergreen F. Ferns, Flax, Four O' Clock, Foxglove G. Golden Chain, Golden Glow, Gopher Purge H. Hellebore, Poison Hemlock, Water Hemlock, Henbane, Holly, Honeysuckle (only the berries are toxic), Horsebeans, Horsebrush, Horse Chestnuts, Hyacinth, Hydrangea. I. Indian Tobacco, Iris, Iris Ivy J. Jack in the Pulpit, Java Beans, Jessamine, Jerusalem Cherry, Jimson Weed, Jonquil, Jungle Trumpets L. Lantana, Larkspur, Laurel, Lily, Lily Spider, Lily of the Valley, Locoweed, Lupine. M. Marigold, Marijuana, Mescal Bean, Mistletoe, Mock Orange, Monkshood, Moonseed, Morning Glory, Mountain Laurel, Mushrooms N. Narcissus, Nightshade O. Oleander P. Peach (Pits of), Peony, Periwinkle, Philodendron, Pimpernel, Poinciana, Poison Hemlock, Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Pokeweed, Poppy, Potato, Precatory Bean, Common Privet R. Rhododendron, Rhubarb, Rosary Pea, Rubber Plant S. Scotch Broom, Skunk Cabbage, Snowdrops, Snow on the Mountain, Staggerweed, Star of Bethlehem, Sweetpea T. Tansy Mustard, Tobacco, Tomato, Tulip, Tung Tree V. Virginia Creeper W. Water Hemlock, Weeping Fig, Wild Call, Wisteria
Y. Yews (Japanese Yew, English Yew, Western Yew, American Yew)
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Dogs' Questions to God
Dear God,
Dear God,
Dear God,
Dear God,
Dear God,
Dear God,
Dear God,
Dear God,
Dear God,
Dear God,
Thank You For Reading! Have a Terrific Week!
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We reserve the right to edit and make suitable for publication,
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Christopher Aust, Master Dog Trainer & Creator:
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