Natural and Instinctual Training for Dogs and Puppies - Master Dog Training with Christopher Aust
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Chongqing Male

Notice Bamboo Shoot Tail

Chongqing Puppy


Master Dog Training
Aust, Master Trainer
Welcome! I'm Christopher Aust, And, I don't hesitate to tell you - I am a Master Dog Trainer. I'm also the creator of both the Natural Cooperative Training System (NCTS) for dogs and the Instinctual Development System (IDS) for puppies.
Natural and Cooperative Dog Training Works: A Success Story
"See Vex Play!"
Recently, I worked with "Vex," the black German Shepard owned by the Sacramento Kings Basketball Team owner, Joe Maloof. Joe loves this beautiful dog and takes him along when traveling all over the country.
Unfortunately, Vex had been mishandled by former owners. He was thin, nervous, anti-social, and didn't follow direction. This was obviously a detriment to travel and being with large groups of people.
I spent two weeks with Vex, using my Natural Cooperative Training System. At the end of those first sessions, Joe, and several of his friends, couldn't believe this was the dog he left with me! As I continue working with Vex, they are amazed at his transformation from being timid and fearful, to becoming a confident, out-going companion.
Today, Vex carries his appropriate weight, his coat is thick and glossy, and he looks like the gorgeous dog he was meant to be. He loves to greet visitors, no longer hides when faced with the unknown, and is a happy, loving member of his family.
Click here to see why my Natural Cooperative Training System works - and works so quickly and completely.
Training and Breed Development: The Natural Approach
Chongqing Kennel Club of America
My next groundbreaking project is as the Director of Training and Breed Development, for the new Chongqing Kennel Club of America. The Chongqing (pronounced: chong ching) dog is a natural breed from Chongqing, China dating back to the Han Dynasty over 1700 years ago. The breed has never been mixed and is a true and natural evolutionary breed.
The Chongqing dogs are both companion and hunting dogs. They are relatively unknown, even in other parts of China. They have been protected and kept within their natural habitat for nearly two thousand years! They are one of very few, absolutely pure, evolutionary breeds in the world!
The first Chongqing dogs will be arriving in the USA in the spring of 2004. I am presently working with the Chongqing Dog Club of China to assist them with establishing a training and breeding program, to preserve the integrity of this breed in the USA. This process will ensure that the breed is properly acclimated to their new environment.
Once in the U.S., I will work with all arriving Chongqing dogs, continuing with my Instinctual Development System for puppies, and the Natural Cooperative Training System. This will prevent the mistakes that have been made by other breeders and trainers importing "new" breed dogs into this country.
If you have questions, or would like to inquire about future ownership of a Chongqing dog, please send your full name and questions via email. You'll receive a full and personal response. Click here to send an email regarding the Chongqing dogs.
Click here to see why my Instinctual Development System™ for puppies works - creating confident, loving pets from the very beginning.
Proper Dog and Puppy Training Starts With Understanding
Common Training Programs
Programs that neglect natural pack instincts, utilize negative reinforcement techniques or remote (shock) collars and devices are destined to fail. They'll fail because they are based on domination and dictatorship rather than mutual respect, love, understanding and cooperation. Parents wouldn't punish their child for something they did themselves, so why punish the dog for something that was basically a result of the owner's lack of understanding?
Article References:
My Exclusive Training Systems
Dogs are in the pack animals group. Once the dog enters the home, the family becomes the dogs "pack." Unfortunately, what usually happens is the dog is expected to suddenly ignore his natural instincts simply because a human said so.
Neither the Natural Cooperative Training System (NCTS) for dogs, nor the Instinctual Development System (IDS) for puppies, is a free love fest nor do they relinquish control to the dog. Quite the contrary ...
These systems give us ultimate control because the dog follows what he knows to be natural and instinctively correct.
This, coupled with evaluating the surrounding "pack" environment and reading your dog's behavior, are key. Although many trainers recommend them, and refer to them as "remote collars" - I would never use such a punishing device as a shock collar! It simply isn't necessary to hurt your dog!
I stated earlier, that I am a Master Dog Trainer. Not only am I a master at training dogs - I train the dog's master! Once you understand your dog's natural, instinctual behaviors and expectations, you'll have the most loving companion of all time!
Article References:
By following either of my systems, you will:
Gain the knowledge to select your next dog with confidence
Make proper breed selections - best suited to your needs and environment
Develop the strongest love bond possible between you and your dog
Learn to direct behaviors, reinforcing the love bond, rather than correcting him
Discover how to read your dog's body language and anticipate his behavior
Communicate with your dog - and know his needs and desires at any time
Save money by eliminating unnecessary veterinary bills as a result of improper diet or injury
Develop a lasting and totally trusting relationship within the family
You Can Have it All!
These programs are all-encompassing systems. Whether you have just decided that a dog is right for you, and are ready to bring home a puppy or full-grown dog - or even if your existing dog has already entered the geriatric years - your dog will benefit from these natural systems!
For complete information on the Natural Cooperative Training System (NCTS) for dogs, please click here.
For complete information on the Instinctual Development System (IDS) for puppies, please click here.
7 Day Mini-Course
Take my 7 Day Mini-Course on dogs and puppies, "Beginning to
Understand Your Dog". Just tell me your first name and email address and you'll receive the first installment momentarily.
Christopher S. Aust, Master Trainer
11636 Edgewood Rd, Auburn, California 95603
Telephone: 530-386-7104
Hours: Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM, PST (ONLY)
Email: Chris@Master-Dog-Training.com